Bootleg issu de la splendide collection de Thierry D.
Date : Inconnue
Lieu : Diverses raretés
Label : Il Cane Lento
Support : 1 cd
Durée : 32:59 mn
Source : Soundboard
Qualité sonore : 9,5/10
Liste des titres :
01. I’m Afraid (3:35)
02. Cruisin’ (4:00)
03. Cinderella Undercover (4:12)
04. Louise (2:17)
05. You Got Your Baby Back (2:53)
06. Ballad Of The Caveman (1:36)
07. I Was Always There (3:35)
08. Open Eyes (3:49)
09. Don’t Go In The Basement (1:23)
10. California Girls (2:57)
11. Teenaged Monster (2:42)
Commentaire (en anglais) par sean.curtin (1er juillet 2015) :
Essential early Oingo Boingo for the serious Oingo Boingo / Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo fan out there.
Absolutely amazing treasure trove of early Oingo Boingo. The companions to this bootleg album are ‘Oingo Boingo – Forbidden Boingo Volume Two’ and ‘Oingo Boingo – Marching In Time’ of which I’ll be adding reviews for also.
This album was something of a blessing for this dedicated Oingo Boingo fan. Particularly because it features tracks from my favourite Oingo Boingo era(the mid 1980’s). Many of these tracks can be found on various vinyl and cassette release only EP’s, Singles and promo recordings but alas can no longer be found on the standard Oingo Boingo CD catalogue….. until now! 🙂
Thankfully someone has had the gumption to release these highly bootleg recordings and now you too can experience some early Oingo Boingo and rare hard to find track gems.
The album begins with a very nice percussive track which should be extremely familar to many fans although you may not have heard this particular track before EVER. I love it’s at times almost ranting licks, chops and wild playing by all members of the band but as is known, so incredibly glued together with tight timing. After listening perhaps you might be saying « I’m Afraid ».
The next track ‘Cruisin’ (also featured on the Volume Two album(exactly the same recording). The saxophone on this piece keeps it nice and exciting to me and I really enjoyed the song, sung by Danny in his legendary scary voice.
‘Cinderella Undercove’r seems like something from the Forbidden Zone soundtrack days.
‘Louise’ is like a cross between a scar and a reggae piece played at suitable Oingo Boingo fast paced tempo.
‘You got your baby back’, very early Oingo Boingo. It would fit right in with the late 50’s scene.
‘Ballad Of The Caveman’ This is bizzarely a doowop song. Very cool and it adds nice contrast to the album.
‘I was always there’ Another early jingle. Funky temple blocks.
‘Open Eyes’ is an Oingo Boingo version of Old Angsine.
‘Don’t Go In The Basement’ This is directly from the ‘Forbidden Zone’ soundtrack which I already have but still a nice track that fits with the curio nature of the album.
‘California Girls’ This is an absolutely hilarious Oingo Boingo version of the famous Beach Boys song. Utterly hilarious and I’d love to see people dancing to this crazy temp and mixed time signatures version. Absolute Oingo Boingo gold.
‘Teenaged Monster’ is a kind of scar/punk song that’s at a suitable tempo to conclude the first volume.
Overall the quality is acceptable. I’d rate it a 7/10. You can’t expect a bootleg to be premium studio quality multi-million dollar produced quality audio and sure enough it isn’t. Many of these recordings would have been vinyl transfers which can be amazing but alas it’s a pretty standard transfer. You can still enjoy all the tracks but you’ll notice the quality difference to an official studio album.
Essential Oingo Boingo for the collector. A most welcome treasure trove for this fan and I highly recommend this album to the serious Oingo Boingo fan. I’m not sure that it would be suited to someone who’s just getting into the band but overall there’s something interesting for anyone with even the vaguest interest in Oingo Boingo.
Disponible en format flac ici (contient aussi le volume 2) :
Pochette :
Bootleg n°3517
J’ai découvert ce groupe totalement par hasard alors que j’étais chez moi (devrais-je dire chez mes parents… car lycéen à l’époque). Exceptionnellement ce soir là, il n’y avait pas – Les Enfants du Rock -, mais une émission de substitution intitulée – Best of Musicalifornia – qui comme son nom l’indique, mettait en lumière des groupes californiens. Deux (pour moi) sortaient du lot : Oingo Boingo et Dramarama.
Bien évidemment, (nous sommes en 1988) impossible de trouver quoi que ce soit sur eux chez le disquaire du coin. Il a fallu que j’attende l’année suivante d’être à Paris pour enfin découvrir leurs albums. L’album le plus représentatif est pour moi – Dead’s Man Party – ou le groupe devient new wave (alors qu’il est plutôt punk/rock dans ces premières moutures, je pense à – Only A Lad – Nothing To Fear – et – Good For Your Soul -. On retrouve également dans cet album le morceau – Weird Science – BO du film du même nom, sorti chez nous sous le titre – Une Créature de Rêve – et dont j’étais fan.
Aujourd’hui le groupe n’est plus mais Danny Elfman est LA référence en matière de BO de film – Batman – Men In Black – Charlie Et La Chocolaterie – 50 nuances de Grey etc etc….
Absolument rien n’est prévu aujourd’hui en ce qui concerne la discographie d’Oingo Boingo, je veux dire pas de réédition Deluxe ou autres. Une interview existe sur youtube ou un fan demande à Danny si cela arrivera un jour et Danny Elfman est totalement surpris par la question et lui répond d’un air étonné que jusqu’à aujourd’hui personne ne lui a demandé ça.
Ici :
Reste donc les quelques bootlegs qui existent sur le groupe, pas facile à trouver… mais je cherche régulièrement…